File Upload
Posted by Travis Stein on
We Proud Americans at CanvasKick just added a new app from Uploadery which allows the user, you, the loved customer to crop your image to fit the sized canvas properly. For those of us older than a Millenial, it may be tricky....but if you follow the steps below it's as easy as drinking a beer while eating a hotdog and listening to Lee Greenwood. Follow the step by step process below for uploading a file to CanvasKick.
Step 1:
Select your Canvas size
Step 2:
Click Browse to locate your photo
Step 3:
Select that award winner
Step 4:
Crop and size your image as you would like it to appear on the custom canvas. Then click the green check
Step 5:
Save your file by clicking the Save Disk
Step 6:
You'll see that your file is uploaded
Thanks for your business and do not hesitate contacting the good Americans at CanvasKick!